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Zentralschweiz Deutsch



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Europe extends from Portugal to Russia (Ural); therfore Switzerland is in Western Europe

Lucerne is situated in Switzerland, Western Europe. The neighbours of Switzerland are Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Liechtenstein.

Area: 41295 square km (16105 square miles)
West-East distance: 350 km (220 miles)
Population: 7.3 mio
Languages: 74% German, 20% French, 4% Italian, and 1% Romantsch
Major trading partners: European Union, Japan, USA
GDP: 192 billion USD, GDP per head: 26400 USD

The major industries of this country are banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, precision instruments, and tourism.

In Switzerland have been won more Nobel Prizes and registered more patents per capita than in any other country on earth.

Luzern liegt in der Schweiz und die Schweiz in Westeuropa. Sie grenzt an Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Oesterreich und Liechtenstein und umfasst eine Fläche von 41295 km2. Ihre West-Ost-Ausdehnung beträgt 350 km . Die Schweiz hat 7,3 Mio Einwohner.

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